The industry is keeping its fingers crossed for the release of Salman Khan’s ‘Ready’ which happens to be the first big release after IPL fever gets over. However, as the production house gears up for the dazzling world premiere of the flick in Dubai, the leading lady of the film, Asin Thottumkal, will be conspicuous by her absence in the scene.
Before you predict the reason for her absence to be some sort of conflict with the makers, let us clear it out here that Asin will not be able to attend the premiere because of her passport problems.
Asin has been signed on as one of the 18 actors in Nadiadwala’s Housefull 2 and had applied for UK visa as she is supposed to shoot some sequences of the film in London. She had given her passport to Nadiadwala Grandsons, the production house for ‘Housefull 2’, but her passport seems to be stuck for some reasons.
Before you predict the reason for her absence to be some sort of conflict with the makers, let us clear it out here that Asin will not be able to attend the premiere because of her passport problems.
Asin has been signed on as one of the 18 actors in Nadiadwala’s Housefull 2 and had applied for UK visa as she is supposed to shoot some sequences of the film in London. She had given her passport to Nadiadwala Grandsons, the production house for ‘Housefull 2’, but her passport seems to be stuck for some reasons.
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